When college freshman Greer Kadetsky meets feminist icon Faith Frank, she is sure that her life is going to take off. In Faith, she finds a mentor who understands her passion and ambition, so she follows her to New York, eager to join the ranks of powerful women setting out to make the world a better place.
Do not be fooled by the title - this book is not another version of The Feminine Mystique. Sure, there are some underlying feminist themes but at its heart, the book is really just about people trying to live their lives as best they can - I wouldn't read it looking for a big, new takeaway or aha moment. With Faith, we have an imperfect hero, someone who made compromises along the way to achieve her goals. It's up to you to decide if she made the right choices. The book focuses not just on Greer but also on Zee, her best friend, and Cory, her high-school boyfriend, as they graduate from school and come to find that life doesn't always go as planned. The coming-of-age themes were much stronger than advertised, and I think if you approach the book as a snippet of life about people who are trying to make lemonade out of life's lemons, you'll appreciate the story more. 4/5
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