This novel follows the Birch family as they spend Christmas together at their family estate in the British countryside. The catch? They're under quarantine; eldest daughter, Olivia, has just returned from treating patients of an epidemic in Africa, and now the whole family is under house arrest to make sure she doesn't spread the deadly disease. Told from the perspective of each family member, the book reminds you that although your family may drive you crazy, they really are just trying their best. You can never tell what's going on in a person's head.
I thought this novel had a cute premise, and I loved the cover, so I was excited to read this debut. However, I had a hard time with this one. While Hornak tries to present each character with their own flaws and insecurities, it definitely felt like some characters were more flawed than others. I really disliked the ending; to be honest, it kind of ruined the book for me. So, definitely not my favorite, but it had its moments. Maybe don't go out of your way to read it. 3/5
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