This female-centric fantasy follows three royal sisters on the island of Fennbirn. The sisters must fight to the death and the last girl standing will ascend to the throne. Mirabella, raised by the priestesses of the Goddess, is a naturalist who can control the elements. Arsinoe has an affinity for nature, although she is overshadowed by her best friend and protector, Jules, the most powerful naturalist the island has seen in years. Katherine, raised by the powerful Arron family, is a poisoner with the ability to ingest poisons without consequence.
This is a very dark fantasy. The characters are well-written and the focus on powerful women is a welcome one. The three powers the sisters possess feels lopsided; you may, like me, wonder why someone who can control lightning is on the same playing field as someone who likes to eat arsenic. However, Blake does a commendable job of making sure each sister has a fighting chance, keeping the stakes high, and making you root for all three girls. 4.5/5
If you liked the first novel, you'll really enjoy the sequel. One Dark Throne is even better than Three Dark Crowns, setting us up for a fantastic finale in the future!
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