This psychological thriller follows Liza Cole, an author who is struggling to meet a deadline for her latest book, a suspenseful tale of new mother Beth who thinks her husband might be cheating on her. Not only is Liza under pressure to write a bestseller, but she is also trying to get pregnant and the medications she's been prescribed come with a never-ending list of side effects. Meanwhile, her husband is distracted by the disappearance of his best friend and Liza isn't sure what she can do to help. As she begins her novel, Liza's own life starts to unravel further and she realizes that the line between fiction and reality might be a bit more blurry than she'd thought.
This wasn't my favorite thriller I've read lately and I didn't find the book particularly memorable. Written in alternating chapters, the reader is shown both Liza's life and excerpts from her novel about Beth. I had a hard time getting invested in Beth's story, so I found that those chapters seemed to drag, at least at first. There were a few twists toward the end and I'm sure that if you start the novel, you'll want to see how everything plays out. Like most thrillers, the second half makes up for the slower pace of the first. 3/5
This wasn't my favorite thriller I've read lately and I didn't find the book particularly memorable. Written in alternating chapters, the reader is shown both Liza's life and excerpts from her novel about Beth. I had a hard time getting invested in Beth's story, so I found that those chapters seemed to drag, at least at first. There were a few twists toward the end and I'm sure that if you start the novel, you'll want to see how everything plays out. Like most thrillers, the second half makes up for the slower pace of the first. 3/5
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