This novel, written by fellow Princetonian Katharine McGee, is just begging to be made into a CW TV show (and is currently in development with ABC) - think futuristic Gossip Girl . Set in NYC in the year 2118, the book follows a group of teenagers navigating life in the Tower, a thousand story building that spans a large swath of Manhattan. It's a non-dystopian look at a future where people are judged by their wealth and floor number, not their gender, sexuality or race. Told from multiple perspectives, the book slowly ramps up to a dramatic and deadly finale. The novel is really committed to the technology of the future - at no point will you forget that this does not take place in the present day. I enjoyed getting swept up in the glamorous life of the future elite and I was impressed with the diverse group of characters that make up the ensemble. 4/5. P.S. If you liked the first book, the sequel is just as good! Keep an eye out for the third and final installment, comi...